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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 The Mortgage Interest Deduction and Its Impact on Homeownership Decisions 미리보기
Hilber, C.A.L.; Turner, T.M. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
32 저널기사 The Legacies of Forced Freedom: China's Treaty Ports 미리보기
Jia, R. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
33 저널기사 A Flexible Finite-Horizon Alternative to Long-Run Restrictions with an Application to Technology Shocks 미리보기
Francis, N.; Owyang, M.T.; Roush, J.E.; DiCecio, R. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
34 저널기사 The Economics of Cross-Border Travel 미리보기
Chandra, A.; Head, K.; Tappata, M. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
35 저널기사 The Effects of World War II on Economic and Health Outcomes across Europe 미리보기
Kesternich, I.; Siflinger, B.; Smith, J.P.; Winter, J.K. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
36 저널기사 Information Sharing and Stock Market Participation: Evidence from Extended Families 미리보기
Li, G. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
37 저널기사 Does Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Matter in China? Evidence from Financing and Investment Choices in the High-Tech Industry 미리보기
Ang, J.S.; Cheng, Y.; Wu, C. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
38 저널기사 A Conditional-Heteroskedasticity-Robust Confidence Interval for the Autoregressive Parameter 미리보기
Andrews, D.W.K.; Guggenberger, P. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
39 저널기사 Binary Choice Models with Social Network under Heterogeneous Rational Expectations 미리보기
Lee, L.-f.; Li, J.; Lin, X. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
40 저널기사 Numeracy and the Impact of High Food Prices in Industrializing Britain, 1780-1850 미리보기
Baten, J.; Crayen, D.; Voth, H.-J. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2014
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