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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Accounting for Crises 미리보기
Nagar, V.; Yu, G. American Economic Association 2014
12 저널기사 Competition as a Discovery Procedure: Schumpeter Meets Hayek in a Model of Innovation 미리보기
Bento, P. American Economic Association 2014
13 저널기사 The Revenue Demands of Public Employee Pension Promises 미리보기
Novy-Marx, R.; Rauh, J. American Economic Association 2014
14 저널기사 Health and the Political Agency of Women 미리보기
Bhalotra, S.; Clots-Figueras, I. American Economic Association 2014
15 저널기사 The Effect of Disability Insurance Receipt on Labor Supply 미리보기
French, E.; Song, J. American Economic Association 2014
16 저널기사 At Least Do No Harm: The Use of Scarce Data 미리보기
Sandroni, A. American Economic Association 2014
17 저널기사 How Do Teachers Improve? The Relative Importance of Specific and General Human Capital 미리보기
Ost, B. American Economic Association 2014
18 저널기사 Human Capital and Productivity in a Team Environment: Evidence from the Healthcare Sector 미리보기
Bartel, A.P.; Beaulieu, N.D.; Phibbs, C.S.; Stone, P.W. American Economic Association 2014
19 저널기사 Inside the Refrigerator: Immigration Enforcement and Chilling Effects in Medicaid Participation 미리보기
Watson, T. American Economic Association 2014
20 저널기사 Corrigendum: The Price Effects of a Large Merger of Manufacturers: A Case Study of Maytag Whirlpool 미리보기
Ashenfelter, O.C.; Hosken, D.S.; Weinberg, M.C. American Economic Association 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
