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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Jonathan Glover Explicit and Implicit Incentives for Multiple Agents 미리보기
Frimor, H. American Accounting Association. 2014
12 저널기사 Evidence on the Information Content of Text in Analyst Reports 미리보기
Huang, A.H.; Zang, A.Y.; Zheng, R. American Accounting Association. 2014
13 저널기사 Meeting Individual Analyst Expectations 미리보기
Kirk, M.P.; Reppenhagen, D.A.; Tucker, J.W. American Accounting Association. 2014
14 저널기사 R^2 and Idiosyncratic Risk Are Not Interchangeable 미리보기
Li, B.; Rajgopal, S.; Venkatachalam, M. American Accounting Association. 2014
15 저널기사 Who's Really in Charge? Audit Committee versus CFO Power and Audit Fees 미리보기
Beck, M.J.; Mauldin, E.G. American Accounting Association. 2014
16 저널기사 Introduction 미리보기
Evans, J.H. American Accounting Association. 2014
17 저널기사 Ian Dennis The Nature of Accounting Regulation 미리보기
Dewing, I.; Georgiou, O. American Accounting Association. 2014
18 저널기사 Yves Levant and Olivier de la Villarmois (editors) French Accounting History: New Contributions 미리보기
Richard, J. American Accounting Association. 2014
19 저널기사 The Role of Dissemination in Market Liquidity: Evidence from Firms' Use of Twitter™ 미리보기
Blankespoor, E.; Miller, G.S.; White, H.D. American Accounting Association. 2014
20 저널기사 Pay Convexity, Earnings Manipulation, and Project Continuation 미리보기
Laux, V. American Accounting Association. 2014
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