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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Strategic Interaction and Networks 미리보기
Bramoulle, Y.; Kranton, R.; D Amours, M. American Economic Association 2014
52 저널기사 Investment Dispersion and the Business Cycle 미리보기
Bachmann, R.; Bayer, C. American Economic Association 2014
53 저널기사 An Economic Theory of the Evolutionary Emergence of Property Rights 미리보기
Eswaran, M.; Neary, H.M. American Economic Association 2014
54 저널기사 The Global Economics of Water: Is Water a Source of Comparative Advantage? 미리보기
Debaere, P. American Economic Association 2014
55 저널기사 Improving Educational Quality through Enhancing Community Participation: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment in Indonesia 미리보기
Pradhan, M.; Suryadarma, D.; Beatty, A.; Wong, M.; Gaduh, A.; Alisjahbana, A.; Artha, R.P. American Economic Association 2014
56 저널기사 Demand Spillovers, Combative Advertising, and Celebrity Endorsements 미리보기
Garthwaite, C.L. American Economic Association 2014
57 저널기사 Airline Pricing, Price Dispersion, and Ticket Characteristics On and Off the Internet 미리보기
Sengupta, A.; Wiggins, S.N. American Economic Association 2014
58 저널기사 The Differential Effects of Bilateral Tax Treaties 미리보기
Blonigen, B.A.; Oldenski, L.; Sly, N. American Economic Association 2014
59 저널기사 The Effects of Regulation in the Presence of Multiple Unpriced Externalities: Evidence from the Transportation Sector 미리보기
Bento, A.; Kaffine, D.; Roth, K.; Zaragoza-Watkins, M. American Economic Association 2014
60 저널기사 Taxation of Couples under Assortative Mating 미리보기
Frankel, A. American Economic Association 2014
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