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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Townsend, Robert M.; Sombat Sakunthasathien, and Rob Jordan. Chronicles from the Field: The Townsend Thai Project 미리보기
Glewwe, P. American Economic Association] 2014
72 저널기사 Consumption Risk-Sharing in Social Networks 미리보기
Ambrus, A.; Mobius, M.; Szeidl, A. American Economic Association 2014
73 저널기사 Risk Sharing and Transactions Costs: Evidence from Kenya's Mobile Money Revolution 미리보기
Jack, W.; Suri, T. American Economic Association 2014
74 저널기사 Retirement Security in an Aging Population 미리보기
Poterba, J.M. American Economic Association 2014
75 저널기사 Housing Assignment with Restrictions: Theory and Evidence from Stanford University's Campus 미리보기
Landvoigt, T.; Piazzesi, M.; Schneider, M. American Economic Association 2014
76 저널기사 Partnerships versus Corporations: Moral Hazard, Sorting, and Ownership Structure 미리보기
Kaya, A.; Vereshchagina, G. American Economic Association 2014
77 저널기사 Worktime Regulations and Spousal Labour Supply 미리보기
Goux, D.; Maurin, E.; Petrongolo, B. American Economic Association 2014
78 저널기사 One Swallow Doesn't Make a Summer: New Evidence on Anchoring Effects 미리보기
Maniadis, Z.; Tufano, F.; List, J.A. American Economic Association 2014
79 저널기사 Social Ideology and Taxes in a Differentiated Candidates Framework 미리보기
Krasa, S.; Polborn, M. American Economic Association 2014
80 저널기사 Term Premia and Inflation Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset: Comment 미리보기
Bauer, M.D.; Rudebusch, G.D.; Wu, J.C. American Economic Association 2014
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