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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 Are Female Supervisors More Female-Friendly? 미리보기
Bednar, S.; Gicheva, D. American Economic Association 2014
112 저널기사 Aging in Europe: Reforms, International Diversification, and Behavioral Reactions 미리보기
Borsch-Supan, A.; Hartl, K.; Ludwig, A. American Economic Association 2014
113 저널기사 The Distribution of Wealth and the MPC: Implications of New European Data 미리보기
Carroll, C.D.; Slacalek, J.; Tokuoka, K. American Economic Association 2014
114 저널기사 The Impact of Medicaid on Labor Market Activity and Program Participation: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment 미리보기
Baicker, K.; Finkelstein, A.; Song, J.; Taubman, S. American Economic Association 2014
115 저널기사 Benefits of Neuroeconomic Modeling: New Policy Interventions and Predictors of Preference 미리보기
Krajbich, I.; Oud, B.; Fehr, E. American Economic Association 2014
116 저널기사 Fat Tails and the Social Cost of Carbon 미리보기
Weitzman, M.L. American Economic Association 2014
117 저널기사 Implementation Details for Frequent Batch Auctions: Slowing Down Markets to the Blink of an Eye 미리보기
Budish, E.; Cramton, P.; Shim, J. American Economic Association 2014
118 저널기사 Why Are Power Plants in India Less Efficient than Power Plants in the United States? 미리보기
Chan, H.S.; Cropper, M.L.; Malik, K. American Economic Association 2014
119 저널기사 How Sharing Information Can Garble Experts' Advice 미리보기
Elliott, M.; Golub, B.; Kirilenko, A. American Economic Association 2014
120 저널기사 The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment: Evidence from Texas Oil Drilling 미리보기
Kellogg, R. American Economic Association 2014
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