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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
106건 중 106건 출력
10/11 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha 미리보기
GUERCIO, D. D.; REUTER, J. American Finance Association] 2014
92 저널기사 Does Stock Liquidity Enhance or Impede Firm Innovation? 미리보기
FANG, V. W.; TIAN, X.; TICE, S. American Finance Association] 2014
93 저널기사 Participant Schedule Report Participants in the AFA 2015 Boston Meetings 미리보기
unknown American Finance Association] 2014
94 저널기사 The Market Value of Corporate Votes: Theory and Evidence from Option Prices 미리보기
KALAY, A.; KARAKA, O.; PANT, S. American Finance Association] 2014
95 저널기사 Sizing Up Repo 미리보기
KRISHNAMURTHY, A.; NAGEL, S.; ORLOV, D. American Finance Association] 2014
96 저널기사 The Business Cycle, Investor Sentiment, and Costly External Finance 미리보기
MCLEAN, R. D.; ZHAO, M. American Finance Association] 2014
97 저널기사 The Real Product Market Impact of Mergers 미리보기
SHEEN, A. American Finance Association] 2014
98 저널기사 Securitization and Capital Structure in Nonfinancial Firms: An Empirical Investigation 미리보기
LEMMON, M.; LIU, L. X.; MAO, M. Q.; NINI, G. American Finance Association] 2014
99 저널기사 FRONT MATTER 미리보기
unknown American Finance Association] 2014
100 저널기사 Investment-Based Corporate Bond Pricing 미리보기
KUEHN, L. A.; SCHMID, L. American Finance Association] 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
