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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Name-Letters and Birthday-Numbers: Implicit Egotism Effects in Pricing 미리보기
Coulter, K.S.; Grewal, D. American Marketing Association 2014
92 저널기사 Killing Hope with Good Intentions: The Effects of Consolation Prizes on Preference for Lottery Promotions 미리보기
Yan, D.; Muthukrishnan, A.V. American Marketing Association] 2014
93 저널기사 Touch Versus Tech: When Technology Functions as a Barrier or a Benefit to Service Encounters 미리보기
Giebelhausen, M.; Robinson, S.G.; Sirianni, N.J.; Brady, M.K. American Marketing Association 2014
94 저널기사 Making Choices While Smelling, Tasting, and Listening: The Role of Sensory (Dis)similarity When Sequentially Sampling Products 미리보기
Biswas, D.; Labrecque, L.I.; Lehmann, D.R.; Markos, E. American Marketing Association 2014
95 저널기사 Know Your Customer: How Salesperson Perceptions of Customer Relationship Quality Form and Influence Account Profitability 미리보기
Mullins, Ryan R.; Ahearne, Michael; Lam, Son K.; Hall, Zachary R.; Boichuk, Jeffrey P. American Marketing Association 2014
96 저널기사 Marketing Doctrine: A Principles-Based Approach to Guiding Marketing Decision Making in Firms 미리보기
Challagalla, G.; Murtha, B.R.; Jaworski, B. American Marketing Association 2014
97 저널기사 The Informational Value of Social Tagging Networks 미리보기
Nam, H.; Kannan, P.K. American Marketing Association 2014
98 저널기사 How Graphic Visual Health Warnings Affect Young Smokers' Thoughts of Quitting 미리보기
Andrews, J.C.; Netemeyer, R.G.; Kees, J.; Burton, S. American Marketing Association] 2014
99 저널기사 News Media Channels: Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from Mobile Phone Usage 미리보기
Xu, J.; Forman, C.; Kim, J.B.; Van Ittersum, K. American Marketing Association 2014
100 저널기사 Not All Fun and Games: Viral Marketing for Utilitarian Products 미리보기
Schulze, C.; Scholer, L.; Skiera, B. American Marketing Association 2014
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