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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Comment 미리보기
Andreou, E.; Ghysels, E. American Statistical Association 2014
52 저널기사 A Realized Stochastic Volatility Model With Box–Cox Transformation 미리보기
Zheng, Tingguo; Song, Tao American Statistical Association 2014
53 저널기사 Principal Volatility Component Analysis 미리보기
Hu, Y.-P.; Tsay, R.S. American Statistical Association 2014
54 저널기사 Comment 미리보기
Vogelsang, T.J. American Statistical Association 2014
55 저널기사 Testing the Martingale Hypothesis 미리보기
Phillips, P.C.B.; Jin, S. American Statistical Association 2014
56 저널기사 Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of GARCH Models With Heavy-Tailed Likelihoods 미리보기
Fan, J.; Qi, L.; Xiu, D. American Statistical Association 2014
57 저널기사 Tenure Profiles and Efficient Separation in a Stochastic Productivity Model 미리보기
Buhai, I.S.; Teulings, C.N. American Statistical Association 2014
58 저널기사 Asymptotic Theory for the QMLE in GARCH-X Models With Stationary and Nonstationary Covariates 미리보기
Han, H.; Kristensen, D. American Statistical Association 2014
59 저널기사 Rejoinder 미리보기
Hu, Y.-P.; Tsay, R.S. American Statistical Association 2014
60 저널기사 Adaptive Elastic Net for Generalized Methods of Moments 미리보기
Caner, M.; Zhang, H.H. American Statistical Association 2014
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