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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Community policing and the politics of local development in Tanzania 미리보기
Cross, C. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
62 저널기사 Representing foreign workers in the private security industry: a South African perspective on trade union engagement 미리보기
Gordon, S.; Maharaj, B. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
63 저널기사 Africa Emerges: Consummate Challenges, Abundant Opportunities by Robert I. Rotberg Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. 269 pp. $69.95 (hbk); $26.95 (pbk) 미리보기
Englebert, P. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
64 저널기사 And Crocodiles are Hungry at Night: A Memoir by Jack Mapanje Banbury: Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2011. Pp. xi + 413. GBP 12·99 (pbk) 미리보기
Van Donge, J.K. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
65 저널기사 The politics of civil service reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo 미리보기
Moshonas, S. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
66 저널기사 Trade networks in West Africa: a social network approach 미리보기
Walther, O.J. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
67 저널기사 Ambiguous Pleasures: Sexuality and Middle Class Self-Perceptions in Nairobi by Rachel Spronk New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 2012. Pp. 310. GBP 60 (hbk) 미리보기
Scheibler, A. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
68 저널기사 War and Politics in Sudan: Cultural Identities and the Challenges of the Peace Process by J.D. Leach London: I.B. Tauris, 2011. Pp. 268. GBP 56·00 (hbk) 미리보기
Schomerus, M. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
69 저널기사 Authority Stealing: Anti-Corruption War and Democratic Politics in Post-Military Nigeria by Wale Adebanwi Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2012. Pp. 450. $55 (pbk) 미리보기
Higazi, A. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
70 저널기사 Networks of violence and becoming: youth and the politics of patronage in Nigeria's oil-rich Delta 미리보기
Iwilade, A. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
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