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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Supplementary private pensions and saving: evidence from Spain 미리보기
Anton, J.-I.; De Bustillo, R.M.; Fernandez-Macias, E. Cambridge University Press 2014
32 저널기사 The effect of age on portfolio choices: evidence from an Italian pension fund 미리보기
Cappelletti, G.; Guazzarotti, G.; Tommasino, P. Cambridge University Press 2014
33 저널기사 Reassembling Social Security: A Survey of Pensions and Healthcare Reforms in Latin America. ByCarmelo Mesa-Lago.Oxford University Press,2012, ISBN978-0-19-923377-9, 451 pages 미리보기
Berstein, S. Cambridge University Press 2014
34 저널기사 Older Workers in an Ageing Society. ByPhilip Taylor, ed.Edward Elgar2013, ISBN978-1-78254-009-0, 276 pages 미리보기
Magnani, E. Cambridge University Press 2014
35 저널기사 Bridging the gap in pension participation: how much can universal tax-deferred pension coverage hope to achieve? 미리보기
Karamcheva, N.S.; Sanzenbacher, G. Cambridge University Press 2014
36 저널기사 Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism 미리보기
Cheibub, J.A.; Elkins, Z.; Ginsburg, T. Cambridge University Press 2014
37 저널기사 Too Much of a Bad Thing? Civilian Victimization and Bargaining in Civil War 미리보기
Wood, R.M.; Kathman, J.D. Cambridge University Press 2014
38 저널기사 Determinants of Upper-Class Dominance in the Heavenly Chorus: Lessons from European Union Online Consultations 미리보기
Rasmussen, A.; Carroll, B.J. Cambridge University Press 2014
39 저널기사 State Strategies in Multi-Ethnic Territories: Explaining Variation in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc 미리보기
Daly, S.Z. Cambridge University Press 2014
40 저널기사 Elections, Uncertainty and Irreversible Investment 미리보기
Canes-Wrone, B.; Park, J.-K. Cambridge University Press 2014
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