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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
172건 중 172건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
131 저널기사 Religion: productive or unproductive? 미리보기
Wiseman, T.; Young, A. Cambridge University Press 2014
132 저널기사 Trust and arena size: expectations, institutions, and general trust, and critical population and group sizes 미리보기
Elsner, W.; Schwardt, H. Cambridge University Press 2014
133 저널기사 Measuring institutional quality in ancient Athens 미리보기
Bergh, A.; Lyttkens, C.H. Cambridge University Press 2014
134 저널기사 Financial competence, risk presentation and retirement portfolio preferences 미리보기
Bateman, H.; Eckert, C.; Geweke, J.; Louviere, J.; Satchell, S.; Thorp, S. Cambridge University Press 2014
135 저널기사 Saving for Retirement. Gordon L. Clark, Kendra Strauss and Janelle Knox-Hayes. Oxford University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0-19-960085-4, 224 pages 미리보기
Agnew, J.R. Cambridge University Press 2014
136 저널기사 Trends in health and health inequalities among major states of India: assessing progress through convergence models 미리보기
Goli, S.; Arokiasamy, P. Cambridge University Press 2014
137 저널기사 The political economy of rationing health care in England and the US: the `accidental logics' of political settlements 미리보기
Bevan, G.; Brown, L.D. Cambridge University Press 2014
138 저널기사 Heterogeneity in the smoking response to health shocks by out-of-pocket spending risk 미리보기
Richards, M.R.; Marti, J. Cambridge University Press 2014
139 저널기사 Modeling the evolution of preferences: an answer to Schubert and Cordes 미리보기
Kapeller, J.; Steinerberger, S. Cambridge University Press 2014
140 저널기사 Does availability of informal care within the household impact hospitalisation? 미리보기
Weaver, F.M.; Weaver, B.A. Cambridge University Press 2014
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