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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Improving e-economy by regional governments 미리보기
Avila, R.C.; Jurado, E.B.; Moral, A.M.; Poyatos, R.P. EMERALD 2014
22 저널기사 Founder-CEO board involvement and optimal IPO valuation 미리보기
Mousa, F.-T.; Ritchie, W.J.; Reed, R. EMERALD 2014
23 저널기사 An interdisciplinary method for brand association research 미리보기
Ranfagni, S.; Guercini, S.; Camiciottoli, B.C. EMERALD 2014
24 저널기사 To explore new avenues: experiential testimonio research 미리보기
Albert, M.-N.; Couture, M.-M. EMERALD 2014
25 저널기사 Value creation and organisational practices at firm boundaries 미리보기
La Rocca, A.; Snehota, I. EMERALD 2014
26 저널기사 Customer value disclosure and analyst forecasts: the influence of environmental dynamism 미리보기
Ledoux, M.J.; Cormier, D.; Houle, S. EMERALD 2014
27 저널기사 Intuition's value for organizational innovativeness and why managers still refrain from using it 미리보기
Matzler, K.; Uzelac, B.; Bauer, F. EMERALD 2014
28 저널기사 The impact of organisational context on the failure of key and strategic account management programmes 미리보기
Wilson, K.; Woodburn, D. EMERALD 2014
29 저널기사 Crowdsourcing content analysis for managerial research 미리보기
Conley, C.; Tosti-Kharas, J. EMERALD 2014
30 저널기사 Capturing value from innovations: the importance of rent configurations 미리보기
Duhamel, F.; Reboud, S.; Santi, M. EMERALD 2014
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