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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The Facade of Stability in Assisted Living 미리보기
Morgan, L. A.; Rubinstein, R. L.; Frankowski, A. C.; Perez, R.; Roth, E. G.; Peeples, A. D.; Nemec, M.; Eckert, J. K.; Goldman, S. Gerontological Society of America 2014
22 저널기사 Psychological Sciences Table of Content 미리보기
unknown Gerontological Society of America 2014
23 저널기사 Age Differences in Wisdom-Related Knowledge: Does the Age Relevance of the Task Matter? 미리보기
Thomas, S.; Kunzmann, U. Gerontological Society of America 2014
24 저널기사 Leisure Activity in Old Age and Risk of Dementia: A 15-Year Prospective Study 미리보기
Eriksson Sörman, D.; Sundström, A.; Rönnlund, M.; Adolfsson, R.; Nilsson, L. G. Gerontological Society of America 2014
25 저널기사 Wisdom and Mental Health Across the Lifespan 미리보기
Webster, J. D.; Westerhof, G. J.; Bohlmeijer, E. T. Gerontological Society of America 2014
26 저널기사 The Material Convoy After Age 50 미리보기
Ekerdt, D. J.; Baker, L. A. Gerontological Society of America 2014
27 저널기사 Specifying the Link Between Brain Integrity, Cognitive, and Affective Functioning in Aging Individuals 미리보기
Fernandes, M. A. Gerontological Society of America 2014
28 저널기사 Domestic Helpers as Moderators of Spousal Caregiver Distress 미리보기
Chong, A. M.; Kwan, C. W.; Chi, I.; Lou, V. W.; Leung, A. Y. Gerontological Society of America 2014
29 저널기사 Leisure, Gender, and Kinship in Dementia Caregiving: Psychological Vulnerability of Caregiving Daughters With Feelings of Guilt 미리보기
Romero-Moreno, R.; Losada, A. s.; Marquez, M. a.; Laidlaw, K.; Fernández-Fernández, V.; Nogales-González, C.; López, J. Gerontological Society of America 2014
30 저널기사 Social 미리보기
unknown Gerontological Society of America 2014
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