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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Group Polarization in Board Decisions About CEO Compensation 미리보기
Zhu, D.H. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
42 저널기사 Deciding Who Will Rule: Examining the Influence of Outside Noncore Directors on Executive Entrenchment 미리보기
Kang, E.; Kroll, M. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
43 저널기사 Justification and Interlaced Knowledge at ATLAS, CERN 미리보기
Tuertscher, P.; Garud, R.; Kumaraswamy, A. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
44 저널기사 The Erosion of Expert Control Through Censure Episodes 미리보기
Huising, R. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
45 저널기사 Do Experience Effects Vary Across Governance Modes? Evidence from New Product Introduction in the Global Aircraft Industry, 1948-2000 미리보기
Mulotte, L. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
46 저널기사 Intergroup Competition as a Double-Edged Sword: How Sex Composition Regulates the Effects of Competition on Group Creativity 미리보기
Baer, M.; Vadera, A.K.; Leenders, R.T.A.J.; Oldham, G.R. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
47 저널기사 Memory and Organizational Evolvability in a Neutral Landscape 미리보기
Jain, A.; Kogut, B. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
48 저널기사 The Impact of Stakeholder Power on Corporate Reputation: A Cross-Country Corporate Governance Perspective 미리보기
Soleimani, A.; Schneper, W.D.; Newburry, W. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
49 저널기사 The Semiformal Organization 미리보기
Biancani, S.; McFarland, D.A.; Dahlander, L. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
50 저널기사 Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Evidence of Perceptual Factors in the Multiple-Category Discount 미리보기
Leung, M.D.; Sharkey, A.J. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
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