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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Making the Most of the Revolving Door: The Impact of Outward Personnel Mobility Networks on Organizational Creativity 미리보기
Godart, F.C.; Shipilov, A.V.; Claes, K. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
52 저널기사 Oppositional Identities arid Resource Partitioning: Distillery Ownership in Scotch Whisky, 1826-2009 미리보기
McKendrick, D.G.; Hannan, M.T. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
53 저널기사 The Replication Dilemma Unravelled: How Organizations Enact Multiple Goals in Routine Transfer 미리보기
D Adderio, L. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
54 저널기사 Diffusion as Classification 미리보기
Etzion, D. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
55 저널기사 An Agency Theory of the Division of Managerial Labor 미리보기
Ross, D.G. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
56 저널기사 Cognitive Control Capabilities, Routinization Propensity, and Decision-Making Performance 미리보기
Laureiro-Martinez, D. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
57 저널기사 Temporary, Emergent Interorganizational Collaboration in Unexpected Circumstances: A Study of the Columbia Space Shuttle Response Effort 미리보기
Beck, T.E.; Plowman, D.A. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
58 저널기사 The Focused Organization of Advice Relations: A Study in Boundary Crossing 미리보기
Lomi, A.; Lusher, D.; Pattison, P.E.; Robins, G. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
59 저널기사 Firms, Markets, and the State: Institutional Change and Manufacturing Sector Profitability Variances in India 미리보기
Majumdar, S.K.; Bhattacharjee, A. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
60 저널기사 Drift and Adjustment in Organizational Rule Compliance: Explaining the; ``Regulatory Pendulum'' in Financial Markets 미리보기
Martinez-Moyano, I.J.; McCaffrey, D.P.; Oliva, R. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
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