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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Influence via Comparison-Driven Self-Evaluation and Restoration: The Case of the Low-Status Influencer 미리보기
Shalev, E.; Morwitz, V.G. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
72 저널기사 Getting Ahead of the Joneses: When Equality Increases Conspicuous Consumption among Bottom-Tier Consumers 미리보기
Ordabayeva, N.; Chandon, P. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
73 저널기사 Consumer Goal Pursuit 미리보기
Ratner, R. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
74 저널기사 The Dynamics of Goal Revision: A Cybernetic Multiperiod Test-Operate-Test-Adjust-Loop (TOTAL) Model of Self-Regulation 미리보기
Wang, C.; Mukhopadhyay, A. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
75 저널기사 ``I Don't'' versus ``I Can't'': When Empowered Refusal Motivates Goal-Directed Behavior 미리보기
Patrick, V.M.; Hagtvedt, H. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
76 저널기사 The Politics of Consumer Identity Work 미리보기
Thompson, C.J. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
77 저널기사 Veiling in Style: How Does a Stigmatized Practice Become Fashionable? 미리보기
Sandikci, O.; Ger, G. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
78 저널기사 Intracommunity Gifting at the Intersection of Contemporary Moral and Market Economies 미리보기
Weinberger, M.F.; Wallendorf, M. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
79 저널기사 Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals 미리보기
Dalton, A.N.; Spiller, S.A. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
80 저널기사 The Interactive Effect of Beliefs in Malleable Fate and Fateful Predictions on Choice 미리보기
Kim, H.; Kulow, K.; Kramer, T. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
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