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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Teamworking under Lean in UK public services: lean teams and team targets in Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) 미리보기
Procter, Stephen; Radnor, Zoe Routledge 2014
22 저널기사 `Lean', new technologies and employment in public health services: employees' experiences in the National Health Service 미리보기
Lindsay, C.; Commander, J.; Findlay, P.; Bennie, M.; Corcoran, E.D.; Van Der Meer, R. Routledge 2014
23 저널기사 Workplace partnership and professional workers: `about as useful as a chocolate teapot'? 미리보기
Danford, A.; Durbin, S.; Richardson, M.; Stewart, P.; Tailby, S. Routledge 2014
24 저널기사 Routes to partial success: collaborative employment relations and employee engagement 미리보기
Townsend, K.; Wilkinson, A.; Burgess, J. Routledge 2014
25 저널기사 Leveraging human capital through performance management process: the role of leadership in the USA, France and India† 미리보기
Lakshman, C. Routledge 2014
26 저널기사 ‘Lean’, new technologies and employment in public health services: employees' experiences in the National Health Service 미리보기
Lindsay, Colin; Commander, Johanna; Findlay, Patricia; Bennie, Marion; Dunlop Corcoran, Emma; Van Der Meer, Robert Routledge 2014
27 저널기사 Lean management and HR function capability: the role of HR architecture and the location of intellectual capital 미리보기
Sparrow, P.; Otaye-Ebede, L. Routledge 2014
28 저널기사 Lean towards learning: connecting Lean Thinking and human resource management in UK higher education 미리보기
Thirkell, E.; Ashman, I. Routledge 2014
29 저널기사 Call for Papers 미리보기
unknown Routledge 2014
30 저널기사 The workplace bullying-organizational change interface: emerging challenges for human resource management 미리보기
D Cruz, P.; Noronha, E.; Beale, D. Routledge 2014
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