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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Winners and Losers among a Refugee-Hosting Population 미리보기
Maystadt, J.-F.; Verwimp, P. University of Chicago Press 2014
32 저널기사 Micro Responses to Disaster Relief Aid: Design Problems for Aid Efficacy 미리보기
Nose, M. University of Chicago Press 2014
33 저널기사 Does Community Management Help Keep Children in Schools? Evidence Using Panel Data from El Salvador's EDUCO Program 미리보기
Jimenez, E.; Sawada, Y. University of Chicago Press 2014
34 저널기사 Deregulation, Misallocation, and Size: Evidence from India 미리보기
Alfaro, Laura; Chari, Anusha University of Chicago Press 2014
35 저널기사 The Evolving Law and Economics of Resale Price Maintenance 미리보기
Klein, B. University of Chicago Press 2014
36 저널기사 The Labor-Market Returns to Community College Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates 미리보기
Jepsen, C.; Troske, K.; Coomes, P. University of Chicago Press 2014
37 저널기사 Temperature and the Allocation of Time: Implications for Climate Change 미리보기
Zivin, J.G.; Neidell, M. University of Chicago Press 2014
38 저널기사 The Potential of Urban Boarding Schools for the Poor: Evidence from SEED 미리보기
Curto, V.E.; Fryer, R.G. University of Chicago Press 2014
39 저널기사 Sexual Orientation, Prejudice, and Segregation 미리보기
Plug, E.; Webbink, D.; Martin, N. University of Chicago Press 2014
40 저널기사 The Menstrual Cycle and Performance Feedback Alter Gender Differences in Competitive Choices 미리보기
Wozniak, D.; Harbaugh, W.T.; Mayr, U. University of Chicago Press 2014
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