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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
94건 중 94건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Litigation Risk and Agency Costs: Evidence from Nevada Law 미리보기
Donelson, D.C.; Yust, C.G. University of Chicago Press 2014
62 저널기사 Industrial Concentration under the Rule of Reason 미리보기
Peltzman, S. University of Chicago Press 2014
63 저널기사 Robert Bork's Contributions to Antitrust Perspectives on Tying Behavior 미리보기
Carlton, D.W.; Waldman, M. University of Chicago Press 2014
64 저널기사 Exclusive Dealing: Before, Bork, and Beyond 미리보기
Ramseyer, J.M.; Rasmusen, E.B. University of Chicago Press 2014
65 저널기사 The Returns to College Admission for Academically Marginal Students 미리보기
Zimmerman, S.D. University of Chicago Press 2014
66 저널기사 Transnational Trafficking, Law Enforcement, and Victim Protection: A Middleman Trafficker's Perspective 미리보기
Akee, R.; Basu, A.K.; Bedi, A.; Chau, N.H. University of Chicago Press 2014
67 저널기사 How the Allocation of Children's Time Affects Cognitive and Noncognitive Development 미리보기
Fiorini, M.; Keane, M.P. University of Chicago Press 2014
68 저널기사 Renegotiation Design: Evidence from National Football League Roster Bonuses 미리보기
Matvos, G. University of Chicago Press 2014
69 저널기사 Teacher Quality at the High School Level: The Importance of Accounting for Tracks 미리보기
Jackson, C.K. University of Chicago Press 2014
70 저널기사 Wages or Fringes? Some Evidence on Trade-Offs and Sorting 미리보기
Eriksson, T.; Kristensen, N. University of Chicago Press 2014
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