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2014 삭제
Urban & Fischer 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Wildlife control, access and utilisation: Lessons from legislation, policy evolution and implementation in Zimbabwe 미리보기
Muboko, N.; Murindagomo, F. Urban & Fischer 2014
62 저널기사 Impact of livestock on giant pandas and their habitat 미리보기
Hull, V.; Zhang, J.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J.; Vina, A.; Liu, W.; Tuanmu, M. N.; Li, R.; Liu, D.; Xu, W. Urban & Fischer 2014
63 저널기사 Use of optimization algorithms to prioritize protected areas in Mazandaran Province of Iran 미리보기
Mehri, A.; Salmanmahiny, A.; Mirkarimi, S. H.; Rezaei, H. R. Urban & Fischer 2014
64 저널기사 Plant functional diversity in agricultural margins and fallow fields varies with landscape complexity level: Conservation implications 미리보기
Ma, M.; Herzon, I. Urban & Fischer 2014
65 저널기사 Governing Marine Protected Areas: Resilience through Diversity, Peter J. S. Jones. Earthscan from Routledge, New York (2014). 240 pp., 16 x 23.8 x 2 cm, $ 84.95, ISBN: 978 1 84407 663 5 (hard cover) 미리보기
Agoramoorthy, G. Urban & Fischer 2014
66 저널기사 Lack of knowledge or loss of knowledge? Traditional ecological knowledge of population dynamics of threatened plant species in East-Central Europe 미리보기
Biro, E.; Babai, D.; Bodis, J.; Molnar, Z. Urban & Fischer 2014
67 저널기사 Predictive potential of wildlife value orientations for acceptability of management interventions 미리보기
Jacobs, M. H.; Vaske, J. J.; Sijtsma, M. T. Urban & Fischer 2014
68 저널기사 Using species distributions models for designing conservation strategies of Tropical Andean biodiversity under climate change 미리보기
Ramirez-Villegas, J.; Cuesta, F.; Devenish, C.; Peralvo, M.; Jarvis, A.; Arnillas, C. A. Urban & Fischer 2014
69 저널기사 Erasing a European biodiversity hot-spot: Open woodlands, veteran trees and mature forests succumb to forestry intensification, succession, and logging in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 미리보기
Miklin, J.; Cizek, L. Urban & Fischer 2014
70 저널기사 Transition of a Sambucus nigra L. dominated woody vegetation into grassland by a multi-species herbivore assemblage 미리보기
Cornelissen, P.; Gresnigt, M. C.; Vermeulen, R. A.; Bokdam, J.; Smit, R. Urban & Fischer 2014
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