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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Kurdistan Regional Government–Turkish energy relations: a complex partnership 미리보기
Paasche, Till F.; Mansurbeg, Howri V.H. Winston & Son 2014
12 저널기사 Migration, mobility, and community change in Chinese cities: introducing the special issue 미리보기
Li, Si-Ming; Chan, Kam Wing; He, Shenjing V.H. Winston & Son 2014
13 저널기사 The geopolitics of Russia's annexation of Crimea: narratives, identity, silences, and energy 미리보기
Biersack, John; O’Lear, Shannon V.H. Winston & Son 2014
14 저널기사 Mapping Kazakhstan’s geopolitical code: an analysis of Nazarbayev’s presidential addresses, 1997–2014 미리보기
Ambrosio, Thomas; Lange, William A. V.H. Winston & Son 2014
15 저널기사 The Russian food embargo and food security: can household production fill the void? 미리보기
Wegren, Stephen K. V.H. Winston & Son 2014
16 저널기사 Creating and defending concepts of home in suburban Guangzhou 미리보기
Feng, Dan; Breitung, Werner; Zhu, Hong V.H. Winston & Son 2014
17 저널기사 Residential mobility within Guangzhou city, China, 1990–2010: local residents versus migrants 미리보기
Li, Si-Ming; Zhu, Yushu V.H. Winston & Son 2014
18 저널기사 Russia and the Baltic Sea: frames and spaces of environmental problems 미리보기
Tynkkynen, Nina V.H. Winston & Son 2014
19 저널기사 “Crimea Is Ours!” Russian popular geopolitics in the new media age 미리보기
Suslov, Mikhail D. V.H. Winston & Son 2014
20 저널기사 Territorializing national identity in post-socialist Mongolia: purity, authenticity, and Chinggis Khaan 미리보기
Myadar, Orhon; Rae, James Deshaw V.H. Winston & Son 2014
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