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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 The impact of event sponsorship on Portuguese children's brand image and purchase intentions: the moderator effects of product involvement and brand familiarity 미리보기
Simoes, I.; Agante, L. World advertising research center 2014
12 저널기사 Effects of violent television programmes on advertising effectiveness among young children: findings from a field experiment of kindergarten samples in South Korea 미리보기
Cho, E.; Yoo, S.-C. World advertising research center 2014
13 저널기사 Effects of violent television programmes on advertising effectiveness among young children 미리보기
Cho, Eunji; Yoo, Seung-Chul World advertising research center 2014
14 저널기사 Do humour and threat work well together? 미리보기
Jin Yoon, Hye; Mark Mayer, James World advertising research center 2014
15 저널기사 Attributes of background music and consumers’ responses to TV commercials 미리보기
Hee Park, Hyun; Kwan Park, Jai; Ok Jeon, Jung World advertising research center 2014
16 저널기사 Why do Caucasian advertising models appeal to consumers in Taiwan? A cue-triggered value-expressive framework 미리보기
Chang, C. World advertising research center 2014
17 저널기사 Corporate social responsibility and advertising 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2014
18 저널기사 Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford and Joshua Green - Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture 미리보기
Grant, I. World advertising research center 2014
19 저널기사 Are contextual advertisements effective? 미리보기
Yeun Chun, Kwang; Hee Song, Ji; Hollenbeck, Candice R.; Lee, Jong-Ho World advertising research center 2014
20 저널기사 Using evaluative conditioning to explain corporate co-branding in the context of sport sponsorship 미리보기
Tsiotsou, Rodoula H.; Alexandris, Kostas; Bettina Cornwell, T. World advertising research center 2014
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