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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Product placement and the promotion of healthy food to pre-adolescents: when popular TV series make carrots look cool 미리보기
Charry, K.M. World advertising research center 2014
32 저널기사 Impact of flow on recognition of and attitudes toward in-game brand placements: brand congruence and placement prominence as moderators 미리보기
Vermeir, I.; Kasakova, S.; Tessitore, T.; Cauberghe, V.; Slabbinck, H. World advertising research center 2014
33 저널기사 Does gay-themed advertising haunt your brand? 미리보기
Um, Nam-Hyun World advertising research center 2014
34 저널기사 Editorial 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2014
35 저널기사 Editorial: Corporate social responsibility and advertising - does it extend to taking stances on social issues? 미리보기
Taylor, C.R. World advertising research center 2014
36 저널기사 Applying the future time perspective scale to advertising research 미리보기
Kuppelwieser, V.G.; Sarstedt, M. World advertising research center 2014
37 저널기사 Using evaluative conditioning to explain corporate co-branding in the context of sport sponsorship 미리보기
Tsiotsou, R.H.; Alexandris, K.; Cornwell, T.B. World advertising research center 2014
38 저널기사 Twenty Years of IMC: a study of CEO and CMO perspectives in the Asia-Pacific region 미리보기
Kliatchko, J.G.; Schultz, D.E. World advertising research center 2014
39 저널기사 Gerard Hastings and Christine Domegan - Social Marketing: From Tunes to Symphonies 미리보기
Brennan, M. World advertising research center 2014
40 저널기사 Attributes of background music and consumers' responses to TV commercials: the moderating effect of consumer involvement 미리보기
Park, H.H.; Park, J.K.; Jeon, J.O. World advertising research center 2014
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