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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Consumer-perceived signals of ‘creative’ versus ‘efficient’ advertising 미리보기
Modig, Erik; Dahlén, Micael; Colliander, Jonas World advertising research center 2014
52 저널기사 Consumer advertising as a signal of employer attractiveness 미리보기
Rosengren, S.; Bondesson, N. World advertising research center 2014
53 저널기사 Social media advertising value: the case of transitional economies in Southeast Asia 미리보기
Dao, W.V.-T.; Le, A.N.H.; Cheng, J.M.-S.; Chen, D.C. World advertising research center 2014
54 저널기사 `Mum, can I play on the internet?' Parents' understanding, perception and responses to online advertising designed for children 미리보기
Cornish, L.S. World advertising research center 2014
55 저널기사 Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier - Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think 미리보기
Walker, S.J. World advertising research center 2014
56 저널기사 Social media advertising value 미리보기
Van-Tien Dao, William; Nhat Hanh Le, Angelina; Ming-Sung Cheng, Julian; Chao Chen, Der World advertising research center 2014
57 저널기사 Introduction 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2014
58 저널기사 Brand followers: consumer motivation and attitude towards brand communications on Twitter 미리보기
Kwon, E.S.; Kim, E.; Sung, Y.; Yoo, C.Y. World advertising research center 2014
59 저널기사 Are contextual advertisements effective? The moderating role of complexity in banner advertising 미리보기
Chun, K.Y.; Song, J.H.; Hollenbeck, C.R.; Lee, J.-H. World advertising research center 2014
60 저널기사 Programme–ad congruence 미리보기
Myers, Susan D.; Royne, Marla B.; Deitz, George World advertising research center 2014
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