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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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2014 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 Corrigendum: The Price Effects of a Large Merger of Manufacturers: A Case Study of Maytag Whirlpool 미리보기
Ashenfelter, O.C.; Hosken, D.S.; Weinberg, M.C. American Economic Association 2014
112 저널기사 The Elasticity of Corporate Taxable Income: New Evidence from UK Tax Records 미리보기
Devereux, M.P.; Liu, L.; Loretz, S. American Economic Association 2014
113 저널기사 Vendettas 미리보기
Bolle, F.; Tan, J.H.W.; Zizzo, D.J. American Economic Association 2014
114 저널기사 When Is a Risky Asset ``Urgently Needed''? 미리보기
Kubler, F.; Selden, L.; Wei, X. American Economic Association 2014
115 저널기사 Small Steps for Workers, a Giant Leap for Productivity 미리보기
Hendel, I.; Spiegel, Y. American Economic Association 2014
116 저널기사 Analysing monetary policy's transmission mechanisms through effective and expected interest rates: an application of MS-models, Bayesian VAR and cointegration approaches for Brazil 미리보기
Moreira, R.R.; Chaiboonsri, C.; Chaitip, P. Inderscience 2014
117 저널기사 The effects of public debt on capital formation in India: evidence from structural VAR analysis 미리보기
Bal, D.P. Inderscience 2014
118 저널기사 Migrant entrepreneurship, economic activity and export performance: mapping the Danish trends 미리보기
Baklanov, N.; Rezaei, S.; Vang, J.; Dana, L.P. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
119 저널기사 Detection, Identification, and Estimation of Loss Aversion: Evidence from an Auction Experiment 미리보기
Banerji, A.; Gupta, N. American Economic Association 2014
120 저널기사 Informal payments for health care services in Russia: old issue in new realities 미리보기
Gordeev, V.S.; Pavlova, M.; Groot, W. Cambridge University Press 2014
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