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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Maximizing Value in the Real Estate Private Equity Space: Expansion, Competition, and Alliance 미리보기
Roy, Priya A. Institutional Investor 2015
42 저널기사 Portfolio Company Best Practices—Give Salespeople Free Range, but Establish an Outer Perimeter 미리보기
Gray, Harry; Greenway, Chad; Feeney, Robert Institutional Investor 2015
43 저널기사 Optimal Transaction Structuring in China: How Private Equity Firms Can Get the Most out of Their Structures 미리보기
Roy, Priya A. Institutional Investor 2015
44 저널기사 Defense and Government Contractor M&A—Special Concerns for Private Equity Buyers 미리보기
Howe, Jerald S.; Jack, Samuel W. Institutional Investor 2015
45 저널기사 Private Equity Asset Allocation: How to Recommit? 미리보기
Oberli, Adrian Institutional Investor 2015
46 저널기사 An S-Curve Model of the Start-Up Life Cycle Through the Lens of Customer Development 미리보기
Overall, Jeffrey; Wise, Sean Institutional Investor 2015
47 저널기사 Major Changes Proposed in Israeli Debt Restructurings 미리보기
Karol, Sheon Institutional Investor 2015
48 저널기사 Are Bond ETF Investors Smart? 미리보기
Fulkerson, Jon A.; Jordan, Susan D.; Travis, Denver H. Institutional Investor 2015
49 저널기사 The Opportunity Cost of Venture Capital 미리보기
Pereiro, Luis E. Institutional Investor 2015
50 저널기사 Private Equity Investments in Banks 미리보기
Gianfrate, Gianfranco; Gouigoux, Francesco Institutional Investor 2015
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