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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
2,374건 중 500건 출력
10/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2015 삭제
2015 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Economic viability of milk production in private dairy farms in Uttar Pradesh 미리보기
Praveen Bharti;A.K.S. Tomar;T.A. Khan;Vijay Bahadur Sharma;H.O. Pandey New Delhi Publishers 2015
92 저널기사 Growing private providers and constraints in the choice of higher education institutions: Impact on access to higher education 미리보기
Jinusha Panigrahi New Delhi Publishers 2015
93 저널기사 Do 401k plan advisors take their own advice? 미리보기
Dvorak, T. Cambridge University Press 2015
94 저널기사 Masthead 미리보기
University of Chicago Press 2015
95 저널기사 SOLE 2016 21st Annual Meetings Call for Papers 미리보기
University of Chicago Press 2015
96 저널기사 Officers of the Society 미리보기
University of Chicago Press 2015
97 저널기사 Jacob Mincer Prize 미리보기
University of Chicago Press 2015
98 저널기사 Institutions and Contract Enforcement 미리보기
Armin Falk ; David Huffman ; W. Bentley MacLeod University of Chicago Press 2015
99 저널기사 Professionalism and Contracts in Organizations 미리보기
Canice Prendergast University of Chicago Press 2015
100 저널기사 Matching Firms, Managers, and Incentives 미리보기
Oriana Bandiera ; Luigi Guiso ; Andrea Prat ; Raffaella Sadun University of Chicago Press 2015
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