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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Levelized Product Cost: Concept and Decision Relevance 미리보기
Reichelstein, Stefan; Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna American Accounting Association. 2015
92 저널기사 Do Clients Avoid ``Contaminated'' Offices? The Economic Consequences of Low-Quality Audits 미리보기
Swanquist, Quinn T.; Whited, Robert L. American Accounting Association. 2015
93 저널기사 The Effects of Auditor Rotation, Professional Skepticism, and Interactions with Managers on Audit Quality 미리보기
Bowlin, Kendall O.; Hobson, Jessen L.; Piercey, M. David American Accounting Association. 2015
94 저널기사 The Economic Consequences of Financial Restatements: Evidence from the Market for Corporate Control 미리보기
Amel-Zadeh, A.; Zhang, Y. American Accounting Association. 2015
95 저널기사 Executive Equity Risk-Taking Incentives and Audit Pricing 미리보기
Chen, Yangyang; Gul, Ferdinand A.; Veeraraghavan, Madhu; Zolotoy, Leon American Accounting Association. 2015
96 저널기사 Evidence on Contagion in Earnings Management 미리보기
Kedia, Simi; Koh, Kevin; Rajgopal, Shivaram American Accounting Association. 2015
97 저널기사 Delegating Disclosure and Production Choices 미리보기
Bagnoli, Mark; Watts, Susan G. American Accounting Association. 2015
98 저널기사 Analyst Interest as an Early Indicator of Firm Fundamental Changes and Stock Returns 미리보기
Jung, Michael J.; Wong, M. H. Franco; Zhang, X. Frank American Accounting Association. 2015
99 저널기사 Accounting Comparability and the Accuracy of Peer-Based Valuation Models 미리보기
Young, Steven; Zeng, Yachang American Accounting Association. 2015
100 저널기사 Frank Clarke and Graeme Dean (with Matthew Egan) The Unaccountable & Ungovernable Corporation: Companies' Use-By Dates Close In 미리보기
Partnoy, Frank American Accounting Association. 2015
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