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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Guochang Zhang Accounting Information and Equity Valuation: Theory, Evidence, and Applications 미리보기
Zhang, X. Frank American Accounting Association. 2015
32 저널기사 Communication and Information Sharing in Teams 미리보기
Rothenberg, Naomi R. American Accounting Association. 2015
33 저널기사 Volatility Forecasting Using Financial Statement Information 미리보기
Sridharan, Suhas A. American Accounting Association. 2015
34 저널기사 Risk versus Anomaly: A New Methodology Applied to Accruals 미리보기
Ohlson, James A.; Bilinski, Pawel American Accounting Association. 2015
35 저널기사 Internal Control Quality: The Role of Auditor-Provided Tax Services 미리보기
De Simone, Lisa; Ege, Matthew S.; Stomberg, Bridget American Accounting Association. 2015
36 저널기사 Partial Retraction: R&D Capitalization and Reputation-Driven Real Earnings Management 미리보기
unknown American Accounting Association. 2015
37 저널기사 Auditor Industry Specialization and Evidence of Cost Efficiencies in Homogenous Industries 미리보기
Bills, Kenneth L.; Jeter, Debra C.; Stein, Sarah E. American Accounting Association. 2015
38 저널기사 Selection Benefits of Stock-Based Compensation for the Rank-and-File 미리보기
Hales, Jeffrey; Wang, Laura W.; Williamson, Michael G. American Accounting Association. 2015
39 저널기사 The Influence of CEO Power on Compensation Contract Design 미리보기
Abernethy, Margaret A.; Kuang, Yu Flora; Qin, Bo American Accounting Association. 2015
40 저널기사 Retraction: Capital Market Pressure, Disclosure Frequency-Induced Earnings/Cash Flow Conflict, and Managerial Myopia 미리보기
unknown American Accounting Association. 2015
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