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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 About Capital in the Twenty-First Century 미리보기
Piketty, Thomas American Economic Association 2015
92 저널기사 Lending Booms, Smart Bankers, and Financial Crises 미리보기
Thakor, Anjan American Economic Association 2015
93 저널기사 Ex Post (In) Efficient Negotiation and Breakdown of Trade 미리보기
Iyer, Rajkamal; Schoar, Antoinette American Economic Association 2015
94 저널기사 Yes, r > g. So What? 미리보기
Mankiw, N. Gregory American Economic Association 2015
95 저널기사 A Measure of Robustness to Misspecification 미리보기
Athey, Susan; Imbens, Guido American Economic Association 2015
96 저널기사 Formal Measures in Informal Management: Can a Balanced Scorecard Change a Culture? 미리보기
Gibbons, Robert; Kaplan, Robert S. American Economic Association 2015
97 저널기사 Technical Change, Wage Inequality, and Taxes 미리보기
Ales, Laurence; Kurnaz, Musab; Sleet, Christopher American Economic Association 2015
98 저널기사 Gary Becker: Model Economic Scientist 미리보기
Heckman, James J. American Economic Association 2015
99 저널기사 Effects of Immigrant Legalization on Crime 미리보기
Baker, Scott R. American Economic Association 2015
100 저널기사 Do Natural Field Experiments Afford Researchers More or Less Control than Laboratory Experiments? 미리보기
Al-Ubaydli, Omar; List, John A. American Economic Association 2015
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