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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Executive Compensation and Regulation-Imposed Governance: Evidence from the California Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004 미리보기
Dhole, Sandip; Khumawala, Saleha B.; Mishra, Sagarika; Ranasinghe, Tharindra American Accounting Association. 2015
82 저널기사 Accounting Credibility and Liquidity Constraints: Evidence from Reactions of Small Banks to Monetary Tightening 미리보기
Lo, Alvis K. American Accounting Association. 2015
83 저널기사 Richard M. S. Wilson (editor) The Routledge Companion to Accounting Education 미리보기
Hooks, Karen L. American Accounting Association. 2015
84 저널기사 Macroeconomic Consequences of Accounting: The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Macroeconomic Indicators and the Money Supply 미리보기
Crawley, Michael J. American Accounting Association. 2015
85 저널기사 Are CEOs and CFOs Rewarded for Disclosure Quality? 미리보기
Hui, Kai Wai; Matsunaga, Steven R. American Accounting Association. 2015
86 저널기사 Admitting Mistakes: Home Country Effect on the Reliability of Restatement Reporting 미리보기
Srinivasan, Suraj; Wahid, Aida Sijamic; Yu, Gwen American Accounting Association. 2015
87 저널기사 Shell Games: The Long-Term Performance of Chinese Reverse-Merger Firms 미리보기
Lee, Charles M. C.; Li, Kevin K.; Zhang, Ran American Accounting Association. 2015
88 저널기사 Why do Restatements Decrease in a Clawback Environment? An Investigation into Financial Reporting Executives' Decision-Making during the Restatement Process 미리보기
Pyzoha, Jonathan S. American Accounting Association. 2015
89 저널기사 Retraction: Financial Reporting Transparency and Earnings Management 미리보기
unknown American Accounting Association. 2015
90 저널기사 Mandatory Disclosure and Firm Behavior: Evidence from Share Repurchases 미리보기
Bonaimé, Alice Adams American Accounting Association. 2015
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