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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Psychopathy, Academic Accountants' Attitudes toward Unethical Research Practices, and Publication Success 미리보기
Bailey, Charles D. American Accounting Association. 2015
42 저널기사 ICAEW Financial Reporting Faculty Financial Reporting Disclosures: Market and Regulatory Failures 미리보기
Rajgopal, Shivaram American Accounting Association. 2015
43 저널기사 Substitution between Real and Accruals-Based Earnings Management after Voluntary Adoption of Compensation Clawback Provisions 미리보기
Chan, L.H.; Chen, K.C.W.; Chen, T.Y.; Yu, Y. American Accounting Association. 2015
44 저널기사 Training Auditors to Perform Analytical Procedures Using Metacognitive Skills 미리보기
Plumlee, R.D.; Rixom, B.A.; Rosman, A.J. American Accounting Association. 2015
45 저널기사 The Effect of Nonprofit Governance on Donations: Evidence from the Revised Form 990 미리보기
Harris, Erica; Petrovits, Christine M.; Yetman, Michelle H. American Accounting Association. 2015
46 저널기사 Audit Fees and Social Capital 미리보기
Jha, Anand; Chen, Yu American Accounting Association. 2015
47 저널기사 The Impact of Audit Evidence Documentation on Jurors' Negligence Verdicts and Damage Awards 미리보기
Backof, Ann G. American Accounting Association. 2015
48 저널기사 Unraveling the Black Box of Cost Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of Risk Drivers, Managerial Resource Procurement, and Cost Elasticity 미리보기
Holzhacker, Martin; Krishnan, Ranjani; Mahlendorf, Matthias D. American Accounting Association. 2015
49 저널기사 Are Fraud Specialists Relatively More Effective than Auditors at Modifying Audit Programs in the Presence of Fraud Risk? 미리보기
Boritz, J. Efrim; Kochetova-Kozloski, Natalia; Robinson, Linda American Accounting Association. 2015
50 저널기사 Has the Quality of Accounting Education Declined? 미리보기
Madsen, Paul E. American Accounting Association. 2015
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