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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Taxpayer Search for Information: Implications for Rational Attention 미리보기
Hoopes, Jeffrey L.; Reck, Daniel H.; Slemrod, Joel American Economic Association 2015
72 저널기사 Behavioral Economics and Public Policy 102: Beyond Nudging 미리보기
Bhargava, Saurabh; Loewenstein, George American Economic Association 2015
73 저널기사 Loss Aversion in Post-Sale Purchases of Consumer Products and their Substitutes 미리보기
Ray, Debajyoti; Shum, Matthew; Camerer, Colin F. American Economic Association 2015
74 저널기사 Disability Insurance and the Great Recession 미리보기
Maestas, Nicole; Mullen, Kathleen J.; Strand, Alexander American Economic Association 2015
75 저널기사 Defined Contribution Pension Plans: Mutual Fund Asset Allocation Changes 미리보기
Sialm, Clemens; Starks, Laura; Zhang, Hanjiang American Economic Association 2015
76 저널기사 The Impact of Ethnic Diversity in Bureaucracies: Evidence from the Nigerian Civil Service 미리보기
Rasul, Imran; Rogger, Daniel American Economic Association 2015
77 저널기사 Academic Undermatching of High-Achieving Minority Students: Evidence from Race-Neutral and Holistic Admissions Policies 미리보기
Black, Sandra E.; Cortes, Kalena E.; Lincove, Jane Arnold American Economic Association 2015
78 저널기사 The Impact of Economic Freedom on the Black/White Income Gap 미리보기
Hoover, Gary A.; Compton, Ryan A.; Giedeman, Daniel C. American Economic Association 2015
79 저널기사 Judging Experimental Evidence on Dynamic Inconsistency 미리보기
Sprenger, Charles American Economic Association 2015
80 저널기사 Income Inequality, Capitalism, and Ethno-Linguistic Fractionalization 미리보기
Sturm, Jan-Egbert; De Haan, Jakob American Economic Association 2015
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