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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Fractional Cointegration Rank Estimation 미리보기
Łasak, Katarzyna; Velasco, Carlos American Statistical Association 2015
12 저널기사 Comment 미리보기
Hansen, P.R.; Timmermann, A. American Statistical Association 2015
13 저널기사 Testing Instantaneous Causality in Presence of Nonconstant Unconditional Covariance 미리보기
Gianetto, Q.G.; Raissi, H. American Statistical Association 2015
14 저널기사 Editorial Collaborators 미리보기
unknown American Statistical Association 2015
15 저널기사 Comparing Predictive Accuracy, Twenty Years Later: A Personal Perspective on the Use and Abuse of Diebold-Mariano Tests 미리보기
Diebold, F.X. American Statistical Association 2015
16 저널기사 Decomposing the Composition Effect: The Role of Covariates in Determining Between-Group Differences in Economic Outcomes 미리보기
Rothe, Christoph American Statistical Association 2015
17 저널기사 A Combined Approach to the Inference of Conditional Factor Models 미리보기
Li, Yan; Su, Liangjun; Xu, Yuewu American Statistical Association 2015
18 저널기사 Implied Volatility Spreads and Expected Market Returns 미리보기
Atilgan, Y.; Bali, T.G.; Demirtas, K.O. American Statistical Association 2015
19 저널기사 Forecasting the Distribution of Economic Variables in a Data-Rich Environment 미리보기
Manzan, S. American Statistical Association 2015
20 저널기사 Evaluating the Calibration of Multi-Step-Ahead Density Forecasts Using Raw Moments 미리보기
Knüppel, Malte American Statistical Association 2015
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