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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
46건 중 46건 출력
3/5 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Earnings related pension schemes and human capital formation 미리보기
Kindermann, F. Cambridge University Press 2015
22 저널기사 The impacts of a community forestry program on forest conditions, management intensity and revenue generation in the Dang district of Nepal 미리보기
Poudel, N.R.; Fuwa, N.; Otsuka, K. Cambridge University Press 2015
23 저널기사 A meta-analysis of FDI and environmental regulations 미리보기
Rezza, A.A. Cambridge University Press 2015
24 저널기사 Vulnerability of household consumption to floods and droughts in developing countries: evidence from Pakistan 미리보기
Kurosaki, T. Cambridge University Press 2015
25 저널기사 Free trade and the greening of domestic industry 미리보기
Gulati, S.; Roy, D. Cambridge University Press 2015
26 저널기사 Climate change, agriculture and economic effects on different regions of Brazil 미리보기
de Souza Ferreira Filho, J.B.; de Moraes, G.I. Cambridge University Press 2015
27 저널기사 The effect of reducing the pre-harvest burning of sugar cane on respiratory health in Brazil 미리보기
Nicolella, A.C.; Belluzzo, W. Cambridge University Press 2015
28 저널기사 Reassessing the Links between Regime Type and Economic Performance: Why Some Authoritarian Regimes Show Stable Growth and Others Do Not 미리보기
Chandra, S.; Rudra, N. Cambridge University Press 2015
29 저널기사 A model for the pension system in Mexico: diagnosis and recommendations 미리보기
Alonso, J.; Hoyo, C.; Tuesta, D. Cambridge University Press 2015
30 저널기사 History as a laboratory to better understand the formation of institutions 미리보기
Van Bavel, B. Cambridge University Press 2015
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