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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Does 3D Make Sense for Hollywood? The Economic Implications of Adding a Third Dimension to Hedonic Media Products 미리보기
Knapp, Ann-Kristin; Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten Emerson College 2015
12 저널기사 Trial by Media: An Empirical Investigation of Corporate Reputation and Stock Returns in Australia 미리보기
Sinnewe, Elisabeth; Niblock, Scott J. Emerson College 2015
13 저널기사 Incoming Editor Note 미리보기
Martin, Hugh J.; Rennhoff, Adam D. Emerson College 2015
14 저널기사 Elvis Is Returning to the Building: Understanding a Decline in Unauthorized File Sharing 미리보기
Poort, Joost; Weda, Jarst Emerson College 2015
15 저널기사 Spanish TV Regulations and Audiences for Soccer Matches, Factors Influencing Utility from Watching TV, and How Media Coverage Influences Financial Returns for Australian Companies 미리보기
Martin, Hugh J.; Rennhoff, Adam D. Emerson College 2015
16 저널기사 Valedictory from the Outgoing Editor 미리보기
Adilov, Nodir Emerson College 2015
17 저널기사 Pin-ups and Journalists: A Model of Media Market with News and Entertainment 미리보기
Battaggion, Maria Rosa; Vaglio, Alessandro Emerson College 2015
18 저널기사 Are Broadcast Sporting Events of “General Interest”? A Regional Panel Data Analysis of TV Ratings for Spain's La Liga 미리보기
Pérez, Levi; Puente, Víctor; Rodríguez, Plácido Emerson College 2015
19 저널기사 Drivers of Media Bias, Welfare Effects of Multi-Mode Television Service, and Effects of Television Service Agreements on Local News Coverage 미리보기
Martin, Hugh J.; Rennhoff, Adam D. Emerson College 2015
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