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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 How Much Error Is in the Tracking Error? The Impact of Estimation Risk on Fund Tracking Error 미리보기
Woodgate, A.; Siegel, A.F. Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
102 저널기사 A Liquidity Program to Stabilize Equity Markets 미리보기
Alan, N.S.; Mask, J.S.; Schwartz, R.A. Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
103 저널기사 Single-Family Rental Securitization: The Evolution of a New and Growing Asset Class 미리보기
Schwarz, Lorenz; Ferris, Laura Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
104 저널기사 Securitization in China: Déjà Vu? 미리보기
Buchanan, Bonnie G. Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
105 저널기사 Economic Relevance of Concentration for Emerging Markets Funds Performance 미리보기
D Arcangelis, Anna Maria; Galloppo, Giuseppe Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
106 저널기사 The Folly of Blame: Why Investors Should Care About Their Manager's Culture 미리보기
Hsu, Jason; Ware, Jim; Heisinger, Chuck Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
107 저널기사 The Ins and Outs of Index Tracking 미리보기
Rowley, James J.; Kwon, David T. Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
108 저널기사 It's a Small World: Boardroom Networks and Stock Performance 미리보기
Feyen, Erik Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
109 저널기사 Illuminating Hedge Fund Returns to Improve Portfolio Construction 미리보기
Mladina, Peter Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
110 저널기사 Principal-Agent Issues in Real Estate Funds and Joint Ventures 미리보기
Pagliari, Joseph L. Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
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