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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Nigeria's Hopeful Election 미리보기
Lewis, Peter; Kew, Darren National Endowment for Democracy 2015
32 저널기사 China After the Reform Era 미리보기
Minzner, Carl National Endowment for Democracy 2015
33 저널기사 Authoritarianism Goes Global I. Countering Democratic Norms 미리보기
Cooley, Alexander National Endowment for Democracy 2015
34 저널기사 Hungary's U-Turn: Retreating from Democracy 미리보기
Kornai, János National Endowment for Democracy 2015
35 저널기사 Authoritarian Successor Parties 미리보기
Loxton, James National Endowment for Democracy 2015
36 저널기사 Rwanda: Progress or Powder Keg? 미리보기
Reyntjens, Filip National Endowment for Democracy 2015
37 저널기사 Books in Review Weighing the Asian Model A review of The Nature of Asian Politics by Bruce Gilley 미리보기
unknown National Endowment for Democracy 2015
38 저널기사 Structural Conditions and Democratization 미리보기
Pop-Eleches, Grigore; Robertson, Graeme B. National Endowment for Democracy 2015
39 저널기사 The Islamists' Compromise in Tunisia 미리보기
Netterstrøm, Kasper Ly National Endowment for Democracy 2015
40 저널기사 Crisis and Transition, But Not Decline 미리보기
Schmitter, Philippe C. National Endowment for Democracy 2015
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