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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Stress Testing and CCPs Dominate Discussion at New York Chapter Event 미리보기
Devlin, Frank Risk Management Association 2015
72 저널기사 Not work related: RMA surveys institutions on employees' use of social media 미리보기
Czajkowska, Sylwia Risk Management Association 2015
73 저널기사 Negative working capital is not negative-heresy or revelation? 미리보기
Bartoletti, Stephen Risk Management Association 2015
74 저널기사 Regulatory Update: CFPB Tweaks Changes to Mortgage Rules 미리보기
Mason, Bernard Risk Management Association 2015
75 저널기사 The Legal Corner: Secured Creditor Can Perfect Security Interest in Broadcast License Proceeds 미리보기
Weissman, Michael L. Risk Management Association 2015
76 저널기사 The Xchange Marks the Spot for Answers to Your Risk Management Questions 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2015
77 저널기사 Understanding HELOCs: Facts versus Fear 미리보기
Lim, Michael; Becker, Erza Risk Management Association 2015
78 저널기사 The Ups and Downs of Cash Flow Projections for Contractors: Making a Case for Downside and Most Likely Scenarios (Part 2) 미리보기
Strischek, Dev Risk Management Association 2015
79 저널기사 Bank Consulting and Training in the Developing World: A Worthwhile Pursuit 미리보기
Berger, Harris Risk Management Association 2015
80 저널기사 The Renaissance in Commercial and Industrial Lending 미리보기
Phelan, William Risk Management Association 2015
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