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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
164건 중 164건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Special issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management: The impact of technology on work in the twenty-first century: exploring the smart and dark side 미리보기
Holland, P.; Bardoel, A. Routledge 2015
12 저널기사 Cultural distance in international business and management: from mean-based to variance-based measures 미리보기
Beugelsdijk, S.; Maseland, R.; Onrust, M.; van Hoorn, A.; Slangen, A. Routledge 2015
13 저널기사 Cultural influences and the mediating role of socio-cultural integration processes on the performance of cross-border mergers and acquisitions 미리보기
Hajro, A. Routledge 2015
14 저널기사 Recontextualising a strategic concept within a globalising company: a case study on Carlsberg's `Winning Behaviours' strategy 미리보기
Soderberg, A.-M. Routledge 2015
15 저널기사 Sources of support and expatriation: a multiple stakeholder perspective of expatriate adjustment and performance in Malaysia 미리보기
Malek, M.A.; Budhwar, P.; Reiche, B.S. Routledge 2015
16 저널기사 Between a rock and a hard place: corporate elites in the context of religion and secularism in Turkey 미리보기
Yamak, S.; Ergur, A.; Unsal, A.; Uygur, S.; Ozbilgin, M. Routledge 2015
17 저널기사 Managerial telework allowance decisions – a vignette study among German managers 미리보기
Beham, Barbara; Baierl, Andreas; Poelmans, Steven Routledge 2015
18 저널기사 Job satisfaction in aging workforces: an analysis of the USA, Japan and Germany 미리보기
Drabe, D.; Hauff, S.; Richter, N.F. Routledge 2015
19 저널기사 Age, employability and the role of learning activities and their motivational antecedents: a conceptual model 미리보기
Froehlich, Dominik E.; Beausaert, Simon A.J.; Segers, Mien S.R. Routledge 2015
20 저널기사 Is your open-innovation successful? The mediating role of a firm's organizational and social context 미리보기
Lazzarotti, Valentina; Manzini, Raffaella; Pellegrini, Luisa Routledge 2015
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