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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Harmony and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese organizations 미리보기
Chin, T. Routledge 2015
72 저널기사 Work-family conflict and the commodification of women's employment in three Chinese airlines 미리보기
Foster, D.; Ren, X. Routledge 2015
73 저널기사 More than a feeling: using hotel room attendants to improve understanding of job quality 미리보기
Knox, A.; Warhurst, C.; Nickson, D.; Dutton, E. Routledge 2015
74 저널기사 Differences in work goals among regions of the Netherlands and Germany: functional, institutional and critical event influences 미리보기
Peterson, M.F.; van Iterson, A. Routledge 2015
75 저널기사 Think talent – think male? A comparative case study analysis of gender inclusion in talent management practices in the German media industry 미리보기
Festing, Marion; Kornau, Angela; Schäfer, Lynn Routledge 2015
76 저널기사 Role of line managers in human resource management: empirical evidence from India 미리보기
Azmi, F.T.; Mushtaq, S. Routledge 2015
77 저널기사 Perceived compensation discrimination against physically disabled people in Andalusia 미리보기
Villanueva-Flores, Mercedes; Valle-Cabrera, Ramón; Ramón-Jerónimo, María A. Routledge 2015
78 저널기사 Special issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management: Leadership in global knowledge-intensive firms 미리보기
Millar, Carla; Chen, Stephen; Waller, Lee Routledge 2015
79 저널기사 Job embeddedness among migrants: fit and links without sacrifice 미리보기
Halvorsen, B.; Treuren, G.J.M.; Kulik, C.T. Routledge 2015
80 저널기사 The influence of cultural context on the relationship between gender diversity and team performance: a meta-analysis 미리보기
Schneid, M.; Isidor, R.; Li, C.; Kabst, R. Routledge 2015
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