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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Peer Effects in Microenvironments: The Benefits of Homogeneous Classroom Groups 미리보기
Lu, F.; Anderson, M.L. University of Chicago Press 2015
52 저널기사 Job Referral Networks and the Determination of Earnings in Local Labor Markets 미리보기
Schmutte, I.M. University of Chicago Press 2015
53 저널기사 Is a Dream Deferred a Dream Denied? College Enrollment and Time-Varying Opportunity Costs 미리보기
Perez-Arce, F. University of Chicago Press 2015
54 저널기사 Why Do Entrepreneurial Parents Have Entrepreneurial Children? 미리보기
Lindquist, Matthew J.; Sol, Joeri; Van Praag, Mirjam University of Chicago Press 2015
55 저널기사 Estimating Gender Differences in Access to Jobs 미리보기
Gobillon, Laurent; Meurs, Dominique; Roux, Sébastien University of Chicago Press 2015
56 저널기사 Peremptory Challenges and Jury Selection 미리보기
Flanagan, Francis X. University of Chicago Press 2015
57 저널기사 What Are We Meeting For? The Consequences of Private Meetings with Investors 미리보기
Solomon, David; Soltes, Eugene University of Chicago Press 2015
58 저널기사 A Dynamic Model of Weak and Strong Ties in the Labor Market 미리보기
Zenou, Yves University of Chicago Press 2015
59 저널기사 Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Competition? Evidence from a Major Education Reform 미리보기
Morin, Louis-Philippe University of Chicago Press 2015
60 저널기사 Small Differences That Matter: Mistakes in Applying to College 미리보기
Pallais, Amanda University of Chicago Press 2015
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