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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
88건 중 88건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 When Punishment Doesn't Pay: Cold Glow and Decisions to Punish 미리보기
Ouss, Aurélie; Peysakhovich, Alexander University of Chicago Press 2015
62 저널기사 Selection, Staging, and Sequencing in the Recent Chinese Privatization 미리보기
Du, Jun; Liu, Xiaoxuan University of Chicago Press 2015
63 저널기사 Predicting Merger Outcomes: The Accuracy of Stock Market Event Studies, Market Structure Characteristics, and Agency Decisions 미리보기
Kwoka, John; Gu, Chengyan University of Chicago Press 2015
64 저널기사 A ``de Soto Effect'' in Industry? Evidence from the Russian Federation 미리보기
Karas, Alexei; Pyle, William; Schoors, Koen University of Chicago Press 2015
65 저널기사 Legal Enforcement and Corporate Behavior: An Analysis of Tax Aggressiveness after an Audit 미리보기
DeBacker, Jason; Heim, Bradley T.; Tran, Anh; Yuskavage, Alexander University of Chicago Press 2015
66 저널기사 Do Medical Marijuana Laws Increase Hard Drug Use? 미리보기
Chu, Yu-Wei Luke University of Chicago Press 2015
67 저널기사 Nonprofit Status and Relational Sanctions: Commitment to Quality through Repeat Interactions and Organizational Choice 미리보기
Choi, Albert H. University of Chicago Press 2015
68 저널기사 Evaluating Mergers in the Presence of Dynamic Competition Using Impacts on Rivals 미리보기
Filson, Darren; Olfati, Saman; Radoniqi, Fatos University of Chicago Press 2015
69 저널기사 The Role of Directors' and Officers' Insurance in Securities Fraud Class Action Settlements 미리보기
Donelson, Dain C.; Hopkins, Justin J.; Yust, Christopher G. University of Chicago Press 2015
70 저널기사 Cognitive Mobility: Labor Market Responses to Supply Shocks in the Space of Ideas 미리보기
Borjas, George J.; Doran, Kirk B. University of Chicago Press 2015
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