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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Testing Becker's Theory of Positive Assortative Matching 미리보기
Siow, Aloysius University of Chicago Press 2015
62 저널기사 The Optimality of Heterogeneous Tournaments 미리보기
Gürtler, Marc; Gürtler, Oliver University of Chicago Press 2015
63 저널기사 The Impact of Corruption on Consumer Markets: Evidence from the Allocation of Second-Generation Wireless Spectrum in India 미리보기
Sukhtankar, Sandip University of Chicago Press 2015
64 저널기사 The Role of Lawyer-Legislators in Shaping the Law: Evidence from Voting on Tort Reforms 미리보기
Matter, Ulrich; Stutzer, Alois University of Chicago Press 2015
65 저널기사 Mergers after Cartels: How Markets React to Cartel Breakdown 미리보기
Davies, Stephen; Ormosi, Peter L.; Graffenberger, Martin University of Chicago Press 2015
66 저널기사 Institutionally Constrained Technology Adoption: Resolving the Longbow Puzzle 미리보기
Allen, Douglas W.; Leeson, Peter T. University of Chicago Press 2015
67 저널기사 ``Can You Hear Me Now?'' Exit, Voice, and Loyalty under Increasing Competition 미리보기
Beard, T. Randolph; Macher, Jeffrey T.; Mayo, John W. University of Chicago Press 2015
68 저널기사 When Punishment Doesn't Pay: Cold Glow and Decisions to Punish 미리보기
Ouss, Aurélie; Peysakhovich, Alexander University of Chicago Press 2015
69 저널기사 Selection, Staging, and Sequencing in the Recent Chinese Privatization 미리보기
Du, Jun; Liu, Xiaoxuan University of Chicago Press 2015
70 저널기사 Predicting Merger Outcomes: The Accuracy of Stock Market Event Studies, Market Structure Characteristics, and Agency Decisions 미리보기
Kwoka, John; Gu, Chengyan University of Chicago Press 2015
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