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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Intrinsic Motivation in Public Service: Theory and Evidence from State Supreme Courts 미리보기
Ash, Elliott; MacLeod, W. Bentley University of Chicago Press 2015
82 저널기사 The Dynamics of Marriage and Divorce 미리보기
Bruze, G.; Svarer, M.; Weiss, Y. University of Chicago Press 2015
83 저널기사 What Happened to Kobe? A Reassessment of the Impact of the 1995 Earthquake in Japan 미리보기
DuPont, William; Noy, Ilan University of Chicago Press 2015
84 저널기사 Nature's Call: Impacts of Sanitation Choices in Orissa, India 미리보기
Dickinson, Katherine L.; Patil, Sumeet R.; Pattanayak, Subhrendu K.; Poulos, Christine; Yang, Jui-Hen University of Chicago Press 2015
85 저널기사 How Does Corporate Political Activity Allowed by Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Affect Shareholder Wealth? 미리보기
Stratmann, Thomas; Verret, J. W. University of Chicago Press 2015
86 저널기사 What Explains Sovereign Debt Litigation? 미리보기
Schumacher, Julian; Trebesch, Christoph; Enderlein, Henrik University of Chicago Press 2015
87 저널기사 Do Agents Game Their Agents' Behavior? Evidence from Sales Managers 미리보기
Benson, Alan University of Chicago Press 2015
88 저널기사 Attracting Talent: Location Choices of Foreign-Born PhDs in the United States 미리보기
Grogger, Jeffrey; Hanson, Gordon H. University of Chicago Press 2015
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