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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 ``Canada's Peace Corps''? CUSO's evolving relationship with its US cousin, 1961—1971 미리보기
Brouwer, Ruth Compton University of Toronto Press 2015
42 저널기사 Just and Unjust Interventions in World Politics: Public and Private, by Catherine Lu 미리보기
Heinze, Eric A. University of Toronto Press 2015
43 저널기사 Defence and Discovery: Canada's Military Space Program, 1945—74, by Andrew B. Godefroy 미리보기
Stone, J. Craig University of Toronto Press 2015
44 저널기사 The white paper impulse: Reviewing foreign policy under Trudeau and Clark 미리보기
Halloran, Mary; Hilliker, John; Donaghy, Greg University of Toronto Press 2015
45 저널기사 Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of a Global Age, by Christopher McKnight Nichols 미리보기
Cunningham, Jack University of Toronto Press 2015
46 저널기사 Ever tried—ever failed? The short summer of cooperation between CARE and the Peace Corps 미리보기
Wieters, Heike University of Toronto Press 2015
47 저널기사 No Use: Nuclear Weapons and U.S. National Security Policy, by Thomas M. Nichols 미리보기
Colbourn, Susan E. University of Toronto Press 2015
48 저널기사 At Home and Abroad: The Canada—US Relationship and Canada's Place in the World, by Patrick Lennox 미리보기
Clark, Sean University of Toronto Press 2015
49 저널기사 American Labor's Global Ambassadors: The International History of the AFL—CIO during the Cold War, by Robert Anthony Waters Jr. and Geert van Goethem, eds 미리보기
Curless, Gareth University of Toronto Press 2015
50 저널기사 A century of international affairs think tanks in historical perspective 미리보기
Roberts, Priscilla University of Toronto Press 2015
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