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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 Turning a Shove into a Nudge? A ``Labeled Cash Transfer'' for Education 미리보기
Benhassine, Najy; Devoto, Florencia; Duflo, Esther; Dupasf, Pascaline; Pouliquen, Victor American Economic Association 2015
202 저널기사 Majority Rule and Utilitarian Welfare 미리보기
Krishna, Vijay; Morgan, John American Economic Association 2015
203 저널기사 Complex Tax Incentives 미리보기
Abeler, Johannes; Jäger, Simon American Economic Association 2015
204 저널기사 Achieving Cooperation under Privacy Concerns 미리보기
Dziuda, Wioletta; Gradwohl, Ronen American Economic Association 2015
205 저널기사 Market Structure, Reputation, and the Value of Quality Certification 미리보기
Elfenbein, Daniel W.; Fisman, Raymond; McManus, Brian American Economic Association 2015
206 저널기사 The Labor Supply Effects of Delayed First Birth 미리보기
Herr, Jane Leber American Economic Association 2015
207 저널기사 Lifetime Earnings Inequality in Germany 미리보기
Bonke, T.; Corneo, G.; Luthen, H. University of Chicago Press 2015
208 저널기사 Uncertainty and the Politics of Employment Protection 미리보기
Vindigni, A.; Scotti, S.; Tealdi, C. University of Chicago Press 2015
209 저널기사 State Merit Aid Programs and College Major: A Focus on STEM 미리보기
Sjoquist, David L.; Winters, John V. University of Chicago Press 2015
210 저널기사 The Value of Bosses 미리보기
Lazear, Edward P.; Shaw, Kathryn L.; Stanton, Christopher T. University of Chicago Press 2015
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