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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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2015 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
431 저널기사 An Assessment of TARP Assistance to Financial Institutions 미리보기
Calomiris, Charles W.; Khan, Urooj The Association 2015
432 저널기사 Retrospectives: The Marginal Cost Controversy 미리보기
Frischmann, B.M.; Hogendorn, C. The Association 2015
433 저널기사 Why Don't Present-Biased Agents Make Commitments? 미리보기
Laibson, David American Economic Association 2015
434 저널기사 Messaging and the Mandate: The Impact of Consumer Experience on Health Insurance Enrollment Through Exchanges 미리보기
Cox, Natalie; Handel, Benjamin; Kolstad, Jonathan; Mahoney, Neale American Economic Association 2015
435 저널기사 Feedback Effects, Asymmetric Trading, and the Limits to Arbitrage 미리보기
Edmans, Alex; Goldstein, Itay; Jiang, Wei American Economic Association 2015
436 저널기사 Is What You See What You Get? The Value of Natural Landscape Views 미리보기
Walls, M.; Kousky, C.; Chu, Z. University of Wisconsin 2015
437 저널기사 Transnational Companies and Security Governance: Hybrid Practices in a Postcolonial World by Jana Honke Abingdon: Routledge, 2013. Pp. 234. GBP 85 (hbk) 미리보기
Vines, A. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2015
438 저널기사 Behavioral CEOs: The Role of Managerial Overconfidence 미리보기
Malmendier, Ulrike; Tate, Geoffrey The Association 2015
439 저널기사 Economic growth and economic crisis in Russia: the end of the 1920s - 2014 미리보기
Smirnov, Sergey Izd-vo "Pravda" 2015
440 저널기사 Independent economic think tanks in Russia: evolution and developmental prospects 미리보기
Yakovlev, Andrei; Freinkman, Lev; Zolotov, Anton Izd-vo "Pravda" 2015
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
