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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 The Credibility of Social Climbing: When Does Inter-Firm Mobility [Not] Influence Organizational Status? 미리보기
Betancourt, Nathan; Wezel, Filippo Carlo Institute of Management Sciences 2016
52 저널기사 Turning Back the Clock in Baseball: The Increased Prominence of Extrinsic Rewards and Demand for Authenticity 미리보기
Hahl, Oliver Institute of Management Sciences 2016
53 저널기사 Charting the Territory: Recombination as a Source of Uncertainty for Potential Entrants 미리보기
Montauti, Martina; Wezel, Filippo Carlo Institute of Management Sciences 2016
54 저널기사 Social Responsibility Messages and Worker Wage Requirements: Field Experimental Evidence from Online Labor Marketplaces 미리보기
Burbano, Vanessa C. Institute of Management Sciences 2016
55 저널기사 New Blood as an Elixir of Youth: Effects of Human Capital Tenure on the Explorative Capability of Aging Firms 미리보기
Tschang, F. Ted; Ertug, Gokhan Institute of Management Sciences 2016
56 저널기사 Third-World ``Sloggers'' or Elite Global Professionals? Using Organizational Toolkits to Redefine Work Identity in Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing 미리보기
Koppman, Sharon; Mattarelli, Elisa; Gupta, Amar Institute of Management Sciences 2016
57 저널기사 With Whom Do Technology Sponsors Partner During Technology Battles? Social Networking Strategies for Unproven (and Proven) Technologies 미리보기
Cohen, Susan K.; Hsu, Sean T.; Dahlin, Kristina B. Institute of Management Sciences 2016
58 저널기사 The Impact of Patent Wars on Firm Strategy: Evidence from the Global Smartphone Industry 미리보기
Paik, Yongwook; Zhu, Feng Institute of Management Sciences 2016
59 저널기사 The Dynamics of Interrelated Routines: Introducing the Cluster Level 미리보기
Kremser, Waldemar; Schreyögg, Georg Institute of Management Sciences 2016
60 저널기사 Knowledge Utilization, Coordination, and Team Performance 미리보기
Reagans, Ray; Miron-Spektor, Ella; Argote, Linda Institute of Management Sciences 2016
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